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Word generator for unscrambling words

The advanced word generator finds words in scrambled letters with additional options. This will generate words to specific instructions to have more control over the unscrambled words.
Set fixed positions by pushing a letter
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The advanced word generator finds words in scrambled letters with additional options. This will generate words to specific instructions to have more control over the unscrambled words.

How does word generator work

The basic feature is to unscramble words from a bunch of letters. Which is quite easy to perform. Simply enter your scrambled letters you wish to unscramble in the first input field, labeled Enter your letters here. Now press the Generate button and get words that can be created from your scrambled letters.

Contains word or letter

By using the second input field Contains word or letter, you will get a more specific set of words. The generated words must contain the entered word or letter. You can enter multiple words or letters by separating them with a hyphen -. For example P-T will generate words containing both a P and a T. Even multiple hyphen’s are allowed. P-T-R will generate words that must contain all three letters.

You can also specify a location for the word or letter. By selecting an option from the drop down directly behind the input field. Depending on the selected option, you will get different matching words:

  • Anywhere (default)
    This option will generate words containing the entered words or letters, no matter where they are located. When multiple letters are given, the order does not matter. This is the default setting.

  • Starts with
    This option will only generate words starting with the entered word or letter. If multiple letters are given, the order only matters for the first letter. The other letters are treated the same way as the Anywhere option.

  • Ends in
    This option will only generate words ending in the entered words or letters. If multiple letters are given, the order only matters for the last letter. The other letters are treated the same way as the Anywhere option.

  • Starts and ends
    This option will only generate words starting with and ending in the given words or letters. If multiple letters are given, the order only matters for the first and last letter. Any other letters are treated the same way as the Anywhere option.

  • Fixed spacing
    This option generates words where the given words or letters have the same spacing as the number of hyphen’s between them. For example R-S means words containing an R and an S with exactly one other letter in between. The amount of hyphen’s determines the distance, so R--S means exactly two other letters in between. The order matters for all given letters.

Set a fixed position for letters

After you have entered some scrambled letters, you can lock in positions. By extending the option Set fixed positions by pushing a letter you will see your letters in order of entering. By pushing these letters you will lock in their positions for generated words. This allows you to generate words with for instance an R as the fourth letter. Make sure the order of your letters are entered so that their positions correspond with your query.

See also